Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Death Worker Profile

well, looks like I need to get a little more information from Al Correll on his life in order to complete my profile. Hopefully he will have the time to do a second interview. I have a lot to work on in order to refine my paper and make it a masterpiece. I had a lot of good feedback from my group and with a little editing and work, my paper titled Ex-Head Coroner Uncle Al will be a hit.

Destination spots

1. The Cheyenne Mountain Resort
Located in the foothills of the mountainous Colorado Springs, Cheyenne Mountain resort offers central location to all the hottest tourist attractions and breathtaking views. With a golf course, fine dining and room service, the resort offers relaxation and fun for little cost per night.

2. Garden of the Gods:
One of the most common attractions to Colorado Springs, the Gods offers beautiful sights not common in most states. With a visitors center that promises education and souvenirs, the Gods creates a true attraction that is always fun to see over and over again AND... it is absolutely free!!

3. Royal Gorge:
Located in Canyon City, CO, the Royal Gorge offers more than just breathtaking views and a very high bridge. Shows, rides, games, trains, and rafting are just a few of the fun you can have while visiting. It costs only $24.00/adult and $14.00/child between 4-11. It's a family getaway that's historically educational and entertaining as well.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

From Scoot to Scott

There's a guy who goes around campus and hollers out words of anger about current events. From the war to smoking pot, he references the bible and history to back up his beliefs on why the world is the way it is. 'Crazy' was the word to describe the boy but once you get to talking to him, you realize he's not crazy, just a little angry and using something that a lot of us don't... Freedom of Speech. We all call him Scoot, but his real name is Scott, a broadcast major at Colorado State University in Pueblo. All we know so far is he is passionate about the homework hot line from 3-6 pm monday through friday and he loves music, plays the guitar, and rides a skateboard. (He's also skinny, has long hair, and likes to dress up like Zorro sometimes.)
He has good beliefs and good points to make the only problem is, he lacks biblical knowledge and proof for support. He's not trying to create some crazy revolutionary movement, he just hopes that people will come out of silence and stand up for what they believe or... at least shout out the way they feel. =)

Crib Deaths

Trying to find someone in the "death" business was hell. No one had the time, or they were busy with funerals or I had to work. So, one of my co-workers has an uncle who used to be the head coroner in El Paso County between 1989-1999. The best thing about the job for him was the knowledge and the respect earned. And the worst thing about the job is known as "Crib Deaths"- dead babies between 4-18 months. I can't even imagine, he averaged over 50 babies in a 10 yr span, doesn't sound like much, but I'm sure it's not a fun memory to have. The worst part, he said were the mothers who kept their dead child in their arms in complete denial and his job was to try and pry them away so he can examine the body... and a coroner's motto is to treat every investigation like a homicide.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Targeting a Market

Trying to narrow down the Crystal Meth market was pretty easy. Low income teens are usually the target for lots of reasons: Meth is easy to make and cheap, its easy to come by, the high is different every time, etc. The numbers tell us that about 410,000 teens in poverty in the state of Colorado has tried Meth and is seeking help. Problem is, no one knows the numbers of all those youngsters who are addicted and are not recorded in the numbers. I would honestly say that it's not an enormous problem now but give it a few years, I'm sure those numbers will sky rocket.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Market Analysis of Crystal Meth

I chose my market on people in Colorado addicted to Crystal Meth. There have been a lot of problems, especially in the higher income areas with drug problems and busts. The figures were pretty easy to find and that in the state of Colorado, about 43,000 people have a drug problem, and 1500 of them are addicted to meth making it 3.5% of that particular population. The only downside to this is the fact that the 43,000 people are 'reported' and are in rehabilitation. Can you imagine how many others out there have a serious meth addiction and are not seeking help for it?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Eating at the Black Bear Diner

Well, I didn't expect a whole lot but I have to admit, I left there pretty surprised that it was really good. I felt a little out of my comfort zone though writing about a place because I didn't know what I could include in my article... are you supposed to have direct names of the owners, waitresses, etc? If so then can you quote people during reviews or is it best to leave it up to what happened their and not what others have to say?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Simple Review

I wish I could have reviewed a performance from a place I never go to. But with a tight schedule I was only able to go to Mountain Springs church on saturday evening to view the church choir. Now, in class we read articles on reviews of a play with Jeremy Pivens in them... reading those reviews, I noticed that the only thing I did on my own review was mention the impact of the show when I completely missed out on the people performing, their names, and a detailed report on each individual and how they performed in the show. Lesson learned though, I should definitely pay attention to what's happening on stage and the audience instead of focusing on one item during a review. We'll see how the "Restaurant" article goes with the new focus...

Quoting a Stranger

I interviewed Shasta Thomas for my Stranger article. This was the first assignment and only using 5 questions was hard. I was able to get some good information that told me a lot about her so it was easy to come up with an article. The hardest part for me was quoting her exact words since I didn't have a tape recorder or anything. But I managed to jot down a few phrases from her. I wonder if there is an easy way to write a person's exact quote without missing out on other important information from the story he or she has...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Why Magazine Writing?

Magazines are found in every retail store. I think it's an interesting way to read on current events and trends whether its in the world of entertainment or everyday situations like finance and health. I want to know what the process of good journalism is that makes some of the best magazines enjoyable and appealing to read. It's all about capturing the right moments in an article that keep readers in tuned and wanting to buy more. I also think it's great that you can share your thoughts and have visuals like photographs or graphics that enhance the story's meaning even more. Magazine writing seems like a change of pace from ordinary news bulletins found in newspapers and even news broadcasts.