Thursday, March 5, 2009

From Scoot to Scott

There's a guy who goes around campus and hollers out words of anger about current events. From the war to smoking pot, he references the bible and history to back up his beliefs on why the world is the way it is. 'Crazy' was the word to describe the boy but once you get to talking to him, you realize he's not crazy, just a little angry and using something that a lot of us don't... Freedom of Speech. We all call him Scoot, but his real name is Scott, a broadcast major at Colorado State University in Pueblo. All we know so far is he is passionate about the homework hot line from 3-6 pm monday through friday and he loves music, plays the guitar, and rides a skateboard. (He's also skinny, has long hair, and likes to dress up like Zorro sometimes.)
He has good beliefs and good points to make the only problem is, he lacks biblical knowledge and proof for support. He's not trying to create some crazy revolutionary movement, he just hopes that people will come out of silence and stand up for what they believe or... at least shout out the way they feel. =)

Crib Deaths

Trying to find someone in the "death" business was hell. No one had the time, or they were busy with funerals or I had to work. So, one of my co-workers has an uncle who used to be the head coroner in El Paso County between 1989-1999. The best thing about the job for him was the knowledge and the respect earned. And the worst thing about the job is known as "Crib Deaths"- dead babies between 4-18 months. I can't even imagine, he averaged over 50 babies in a 10 yr span, doesn't sound like much, but I'm sure it's not a fun memory to have. The worst part, he said were the mothers who kept their dead child in their arms in complete denial and his job was to try and pry them away so he can examine the body... and a coroner's motto is to treat every investigation like a homicide.